Manny Parra wasn't anything too special on the mound, but the offense was able to overcome the deficit thanks to home runs from Casey McGehee and Mike Cameron. Ryan Braun tripled for the second consecutive night, and would eventually score on a wild pitch. And J.J. Hardy did his part by grounding out twice (although two runs did score as a result, so yay?)
In an effort to stay positive, I'm going to acknowledge the fact that there is still a lot of baseball left to be played. But I will also stay the course when I say that a team that has given up 27 runs to the Washington Nationals in three games is not a playoff team.
While I don't think it's impossible that the Brewers could turn it around at some point, I still just don't see it happening, not this year, not with this team. That doesn't mean I'm not going to stop watching, or stop rooting for the Crew, it just means that my expectations are a little lower than they were at the beginning of the season.
And instead of banking on the $100 I bet Gweeds that the Brewers would make the playoffs this season, I am now budgeting for when I will be able to pay him.
Player of the Game: Mike Cameron
(P.S. I resent the comparisons people are making when comparing me to a Cubs fan about my reactions to the Brewers game on Tuesday, but I suppose I understand where you are coming from. With the crowd cheering every pop fly on Tuesday night, as well as the terrible traffic and construction on the way home, my brain must have thought I was in Illinois or something, and it seeped into my writing. I don't apologize for calling the season over, but I do apologize for any behavior I exhibited that resembled that of a Cubs fan.)
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