Walk Soup: If we would have signed Suppan to a contract worth $3-4 million per year rather than one of the $10 million variety, this guy would have been cut a long time ago. We all know that Suppan is a great guy and great in the community, but we're not running a charity here, we're trying to win ballgames. Suppan as a pitcher is absolute garbage, and brings nothing to the table. Nothing. In just two games that he has started this season, the Brewers have given up 18 runs, many at the hands of old Jeff. I've been saying this for years now that Suppan is a guaranteed 5 ER performance, and that's what happened tonight. We'll be talking about the four bases loaded walks that scored four runs in the fourth inning for years, it was that dreadful. T.J. Rubley dreadful. Granted, one of the walks was from Jorge Julio, but it was Suppan's earned run that crossed the plate. Suppan couldn't even hit the strike zone on some batters, and most of the time he looked to timid to even try. Of course, let's not forget about his first pitch home run to Alfonso Soriano that definitely lit up text message inboxes across Wisconsin. Just an absolute terrible performance, although it's something we've come to expect. Talent wise, this guy does not deserve to be on a major league roster. Maybe in Washington, but that's it.
The Need For Reed: Ever since he was the cause of Yovani Gallardo's injury last season, I have held a strong hatred for Reed Johnson. He added to that cause tonight, as his spectacular over-the-wall catch robbed Prince Fielder of his first career grand slam, one which would have tied the game at six in the 5th inning. It was another play that is really turning up the heat when it comes to the rivalry between these two clubs. He sure did pay the price for it though, getting beamed by Julio during his next at-bat, something I did not see coming. Good for Jorge.
And I almost forgot, Reed Johnson was only in the game because Milton Bradley came up limping between 2nd and 3rd base in that 4th inning. No way in hell Milton Bradley makes that catch.
Dead Battery: As bad as Jeff Suppan was at one end of the battery, Jason Kendall was just as bad himself. Kendall is now 0-15 this season, and his hitless in his last 25 at-bats. Not only he is useless with the bat, does every out have to be a bouncer to 3rd? They really were playing him like he was going to bunt down the line, that's how predictable he was. I'd like to have seen Rivera pinch for him late in the game, as I often wish for, but that's never likely. At this point, does Kendall's defense make up for his lack of offense? I say no.
Player of the Game: He went 3 for 5 and scored every time he got on base, so the honors once again go to Rickie Weeks. Breakout season? Maybe, but either way he's the only guy that's playing consistently well right now. By the way, did anyone else know he would hit a home run in the 9th inning? It turned out to be another meaningless Rickie Weeks late inning home-run, something I called just before he swung the bat. But good for him, he's been playing well.
Duffless: Chris Duffy gets his first start as a Brewer, playing center, as goes 0-for-4. We haven't seen too much from the Duffy, Nelson, and MeGehee trifecta yet this season.
Next: The Brewers will keep things in the division, hosting the Reds for a three game set. Two of the games are on WMLW and not FSN Wisconsin, so unless you live near Milwaukee, enjoy watching the Bucks this week (or the WWE Draft on Monday night!).
I'm so sick of that bulls--t with the Bucks on instead of the Brewers. Overall though I'm just angry because I want to go to at least one of the Reds Brewers games & I can't. Plus Reed Johnson & Jeff Suppan piss me off. That's all.
I hate Jeff Suppan so much. What a worthless piece of crap. Suppan and Kendall should never start a game again. I think I might have more power than Kendall. Sorry if this is over the top, but needless losses, especially against the Cubs, make me angry.
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